Thursday, October 4, 2007

Florence Again

We took our second trip in to Florence on our last day in Tuscany. Unfortunately, that was the day that the weather gods got their payback for all the good weather we had on the trip. It didn't just rain that day - it poured, with thunder and lightning. So, basically, our second day in Florence sucked. Here's a pictures of the plaza of the Uffizi in the rain.

We had reservations at the Uffizi at 5 pm, so we went into town around lunchtime. It started raining hard right about then, so we found a good place to eat and took a traditional Italian lunch (i.e. ~2 hours). We did some shopping in the afternoon, then went to the gallery. Now, I don't know much about paintings, but that was some pretty cool stuff. No pictures of that, of course. After the gallery, we had a semi-harrowing drive in the dark and rain to get back to the agriturismo for one last dinner, which was just about as good as the previous ones.

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